Mon - Fri 10 - 19 Saturday 10 - 18

Devoldfabrikken in Langevaag is the place for those of you who would like to experience shopping in a new and original way. If you have never been here you will definitely feel enriched – from experiences, food and drink, and not forgetting all the good deals you will find in the outlet shops. Always 30 - 70% discount in our outlet shops. Welcome to Devoldfabrikken in Laangevaag!

"Kraftverket" Activity Park

Here children, young people and adults can play and have fun, you are welcome to the "Kraftverket" Activity park! 0 - 1 year / 50,- 2 - 5 year / 100,- over 5 year / 120,-

Devold Model Train

Did you know that Norway’s largest model railway is at Devoldfabrikken? The Devold Model Railway is an impressive miniature world with an incredible number of beautiful details that keep you constantly discovering something new in the landscape. Keen enthusiasts are building up what will be Scandinavia’s largest model train track! They are enjoying having a space of 1000m2 here at Devoldfabrikken. Entrance fee 50 NOK - free 0-3 years.


Timetable Langevågsbåten

Devoldfabrikken Only 7 min from Aalesund to Langevaag with the express boat

The Devold Factory

The story behind the Devold textile adventure takes us all the way back to 1853 when the visionary founder of the factory, Ole Andreas Devold (1827–1892), began producing the now well-known woollen garments that have kept people of all ages warm for generations. The story behind the Devold textile adventure takes us all the way back to 1853 when the visionary founder of the factory, Ole Andreas Devold (1827–1892), began producing the now well-known woollen garments that have kept people of all ages warm for generations.

Unique and handmade / Art and exhibitions
Unique and handmade / Art and exhibitions
Devoldfabrikken on fire
It was early morning on the 30th March 1950 when disaster struck: Devold Factory was on fire! A factory on fire is a tragedy affecting many, but what actually happened that fateful day?